Celebrating 125 Years: Native Plant Trust


Saturday, March 15, 2025—Saturday, March 22, 2025

Deepening Attention and Wonder Through Poetry: A Guided Walk and Writing Experience

Calm your mind as you immerse yourself in New England's early springtime beauty, and practice attending more deeply to the natural world. Learn how to translate your wonder into words in this one-of-a-kind workshop. Award-winning poet and naturalist Liz Bradfield, professor of creative writing at Brandeis and author of six poetry collections, including the forthcoming SOFAR, will guide you as you use your impressions of Garden in the Woods to shape and revise short poems. Students of all experience levels are welcome. During the Zoom session, you will receive feedback about your work.

Date/time detailsSaturdays, March 15, 22, 2025, 1-3 PM
LocationGarden in the Woods, Framingham, MA & Zoom/Online
Program codeART2013
Fee$68 (Members)/$80 (Nonmembers)
InstructorElizabeth Bradfield



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