Native Plant Trust

Buy Native Plants

Plants for the Ecological Gardener

We focus on beauty with environmental benefits

The Garden Shops’ Fall Native Plant Sale is now offering a DEEPER DISCOUNT on all shrubs, trees, and vines: 40% off for members, and 30% off for nonmembers! (It really would pay to join now.) For all perennials, members enjoy a 25% discount, and nonmembers save 15%. The sale is happening at Garden in the Woods and Nasami Farm. Check locations for hours and contact info, and download our current plant list here.

Enjoy Shopping in Person

Our 2024 Native Plants Price List is posted below in two formats, so you can browse before shopping. For ordering instructions using the plant list, see the box below, How to Order Plants and Other FAQs. Here are a few more tips:

  • We strongly recommend shopping in person. While you may continue to order online, online plant orders can pile up during this busy season, adding as much as two weeks to your pick-up time. By shopping in person, you can take your plants home with you that day. Should we be out of a plant you want while shopping, we will order it for you if it's still available. We require a minimum purchase of five plants for all online orders.
  • You’ll find the same stunning selection of robust native plants for sale in our Garden Shops at both Garden in the Woods and Nasami Farm. Our expert sales staff can help you choose plants for a wide variety of conditions.
  • Our plant list is updated once a week during the season and contains the latest information about what is in stock and what is sold out at both locations.
  • We also offer curated plant collections and kits for particular purposes and conditions (see the boxes below), as well as useful books, tools, garden ornaments, and home accessories. Proceeds from the shop sales help support our mission.

About Our Plants

Many of our plants start from seed that our staff and volunteers harvest sustainably in the wild throughout the region. All the plants we sell are grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, so they will delight your eye and support birds, bees, and butterflies.

To support biologically diverse landscapes, we aim to increase the proportion of species-type, seed-grown plants available for sale. Seed collection and germination rates determine availability, and we have increased our seed-collecting effort. You can expect our list to include an ever-increasing selection of genetically diverse New England natives that will enhance resilience and create wildlife habitat throughout the region.

How to Order Plants and Other FAQ

From choosing plants to buying gift cards, we have answers

Q: How do I use the plant list?

A: Our native plant list is intended to aid you in compiling your order. Here's how to use it:

  • The Excel version is sortable. If, for example, you are looking only for shrubs, sort by category. If you are looking for plugs, sort by size.
  • Categories include: Ferns, Grasses, Shrubs, Sub-shrubs, Trees, Vines, and Wildflowers.
  • Plant sizes are usually given as pot volume, such as 1- or 2-gallon.
    • Tru Gal is a bit larger than 1 gallon.
    • This year we have introduced a 2-gallon “small” category: "2 gal S." These plants are smaller than other plants of the same species sold in the same size pot. They will save you a few dollars.
    • Plant height is included where known.
    • Container seedlings are shrub and tree seedlings/saplings in approximately 3” wide x 9” tall pots.
    • Plugs are smaller than 1 qt. seedlings grown in seed trays. Plugs are sold individually.
    • Each container includes a single plant.
  • Provenance shows seed-source information for species grown from seed. An "unknown" listing indicates that either the seed source is undetermined or the plants were not grown from seed. Some species are listed more than once, because in some cases we offer seed-grown and non-seed-grown plants.
  • Availability dates show approximately when any given species will be available for sale at both locations. We update lists and dates throughout the season. However, we cannot anticipate crop delays and the rate of sale when creating the list, so availability dates are approximate.

Q: How do I order plants?

A: Our plant list is intended to aid you in compiling your order. While it is not required when sending your order, it is helpful to us. To place an order, download or refer to our 2024 Native Plant Price List from this webpage. Enter quantities in the price list and email your order to the location where you want to pick up your order. For Garden in the Woods, send your order to For Nasami Farm, send your order to Please remember the 5-plant minimum for all online orders.

Please include:

  • contact information – your name, email, and phone
  • where you'll be picking up your plants - at Garden in the Woods or Nasami Farm
  • membership info - if you are a current Native Plant Trust member, would like to become a member, or wish to renew your membership

We will email you a finalized quote that includes instructions for secure online payment.

Q: How will I get my plants?

A: When your plant order is ready we email you to schedule a pickup. Please make note of availability dates as you are compiling your order. We try to have your order complete at one time, but widely varying availability dates can necessitate more than one pickup.

Q: Where can I get some advice about which plants will work best in my yard?

A: We have some great tools for you!

Our Garden Plant Finder is a helpful tool you can use to develop lists of plants that will thrive in your garden’s conditions. This year's plant lists contain a Garden Plant Finder link to each species.

For color-illustrated handbooks with full plant descriptions, we recommend our books, The Northeast Native Plant Primer: 235 Plants for an Earth-Friendly Garden or Native Plants for New England Gardens. You can buy them online on the Garden Books by Our Experts page.

Once we open for the season we look forward to helping you in person. Until then, we can help you with preorders and answer questions by email and phone. Since we are working remotely much of this time, it is best to email with questions. If you would like us to phone you, please let us know the best times to reach you.

Q: I'm a landscape designer looking for a price quote. Who should I talk to?

A: Contact us, letting us know what you have in mind, and we'll get you a quote:; 774-301-8465.

Q: Can I order a gift card over the phone?

A: Yes. We'll mail it to you or the recipient. To order, call the Garden Shop at Garden in the Woods: 774-301-8465. Gift cards may be redeemed for merchandise and plants at Garden in the Woods and Nasami Farm.

Q: Why don't you sell rare, threatened, and endangered plants?

A: Please download this article for our explanation.

Our 2024 Pollinator Kits

Native pollinators need native plants for food and habitat. And native plants need native pollinators to reproduce. But the populations of bees, butterflies, bats, and birds that pollinate all plants are plummeting, and the native-plant habitats they depend on are vanishing. You can help. With this carefully selected mix of native pollinator plants, you can transform your home landscape into a native plant pollinator oasis that buzzes with life!

Note: Pollinator Kits are sold out for the 2024 season. However, having filled all the pre-ordered kits, we have a few Kits 1 and 3 available for sale. If you want to place an order, contact or call Garden in the Woods plant sales: 774-301-8445.

Kit Overview

Native Plant Trust offers Native Plant Pollinator Kits for advance ordering, tailored for three types of growing conditions:

  • Kit 1: Full sun, average to dry soil; well suited to open sites with drier conditions [SOLD OUT]
  • Kit 2: Part sun, moist to dry soil; adaptable to a wide range of conditions including woodlands [SOLD OUT]
  • Kit 3: Full to part sun, moist to occasionally wet soil; ideal for pond shores and other damp sites

Each kit consists of 50 plug-sized plants (download this table) selected to produce both a cascade of bloom throughout the season and habitat for particular pollinators at all stages of their life cycles. Contained in 5-inch deep plug cells, these plants should mature to fill a space approximately 75 square feet or larger, depending on what is growing there already and the desired planting density.

  • Packaged in a single tray, a kit contains 50 wildflowers (7 species) for starting a well-balanced garden that flowers from spring into fall.
  • Our plants are started from seed from our region. Nasami Farm staff and
    volunteers sustainably collect seed in the wild from large, robust populations to ensure high genetic diversity.
  • Our plug kits deliver faster results than gardens started from seed, because you start with well-developed plants with deep, healthy root systems that establish quickly.
  • We feed our plants with organic fertilizer and use biological controls rather than chemicals as our first line of defense against pests. We use no systemic pesticides, such as neonicotinoids.
  • Price: Each kit packs super value at $200. Native Plant Trust members save 10 percent!
  • Order now for pick-up starting in mid-June! Ordering instructions follow the plant-list tables.

What's in Our Kits?

Choose kit 1, 2, or 3, according to your growing conditions. Download this table to see the quantities and species planned for each kit. Each plant species designated as a HOST supports five or more native lepidoptera (butterfly or moth) species during their larval stage. Note: Kit contents may vary slightly from what appears in the downloadable table.

Order Now for Pick-up in Early Summer!

Quantities are limited. Place your order as early as possible for pick-up starting in mid-June:

  • Email your order to:
  • Please specify kit type, quantity and pickup location: Garden in the Woods (Framingham, Mass.) or Nasami Farm (Whately, Mass.)
  • Full payment is due when you order. Please do not send credit card information in your email. We will send you a quote that is securely payable online.

For Best Results

Please follow our instructions about how to prepare the site and care for the plants as they get established in the ground. After you place an order, we will send you instructions on how to prepare the soil, so it will be ready for planting when you receive your kits.

Even small landscapes have varied conditions and planting needs. That's why we created our eight native plant collections.

Choose from eight collections that provide the opportunity to discover exciting new plant species or to fill a specific niche in your garden.

  • Pollinators’ Feast
  • Spring Ephemeral Collection [SOLD OUT]
  • Moisture-Loving Collection
  • Summer Blaze Collection
  • Roadside Collection
  • Coastal Plantings Collection
  • Woodland Bloom Collection
  • Understory Collection

All collections consist of 8 plants (1 of each species) and will be available for pick-up at Garden in the Woods or Nasami Farm. Herbaceous plants are in 2-quart or 1-gallon containers. (Exception: Some plants in the Spring Ephemerals Collection come in 3-inch pots.)

To order, email:, specifying collection names, quantities, and pickup location

Pollinators' Feast

Pollinators' Feast Collection banner

From bee magnets like Zizia aurea to the hummingbird moth’s preferred Monarda fistulosa, these plants are sure to have your garden buzzing! Want to devote a large area to pollinator plants? Check out our Pollinator Kits (see above, this page).

Anticipated species
Amelanchier canadensis (serviceberry)
Aquilegia canadensis (Canada columbine)
Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly milkweed)
Zizia aurea (golden Alexanders)
Monarda fistulosa (wild bergamot)
Penstemon digitalis (foxglove beardtongue)
Eutrochium maculatum (Joe Pye weed)
Liatris spicata (spike blazing star)

Pick-up date: On or after June 14

Member price: $126/nonmembers: $140

Spring Ephemerals Collection [SOLD OUT]

Spring Ephemerals Collection

Focused on New England’s fabulous array of spring ephemerals, this collection contains species that are among the first to bloom in early spring and usually go dormant by midsummer, as the rest of the garden comes alive. Note: This collection is sold out for the 2024 season.

Anticipated species
Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells)
Stylophorum diphyllum (New England celandine)
Claytonia virginica (eastern spring beauty)
Erythronium americanum (trout-lily)
Sanguinaria canadensis ‘Multiplex’ (double-flowering blood-root)
Sanguinaria canadensis (blood-root)
Dicentra canadensis (squirrel-corn)
Allium tricoccum (ramps, wild leek)

Pick-up date: On or after April 19

Member price: $85.50/nonmembers: $95

Moisture-loving Collection

Moisture-loving Collection

Does your garden have a wet spot where the grass won’t grow and the mower gets stuck? The plants in this collection will beautifully fill wet areas of your garden.

Anticipated species
Caltha palustris (marsh marigold)
Hibiscus moscheutos (swamp rose-mallow)
Iris versicolor (blue iris)
Matteuccia struthiopteris (ostrich or fiddlehead fern)
Sanguisorba canadensis (Canada burnet)
Trollius laxus (American globe-flower)
Vaccinium macrocarpon (highbush-cranberry)
Veronicastrum virginicum (Culver’s-root)

Pick-up date: On or after June 14

Member price: $130.50/nonmembers: $145

Summer Blaze Collection

Summer Blaze Collection.jpg

When the spring ephemerals have passed, the plants in this collection take the spotlight, ensuring that your garden looks top-notch during backyard barbeque season. These plants will be in or approaching full bloom June through September.

Anticipated species
Conoclinium coelestinium (blue mistflower)
Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly milkweed)
Chelone glabra (white turtlehead)
Liatris spicata var. spicata (spike blazing star)
Monarda fistulosa (wild bee-balm, wild bergamot)
Rudbeckia laciniata (cutleaf coneflower)
Eurybia divaricata (white wood-aster)
Solidago odora (licorice goldenrod)

Pick-up date: On or after June 21

Member price: $121.50/nonmembers: $135

Roadside Collection

Roadside Plant Collection

Tired of looking at that barren strip between the sidewalk and the road? How about filling it with natives? This collection includes some of the most drought-, salt-, and compaction-tolerant plants the native flora has to offer. From Asclepias to Pycnanthemum, these plants will make sure your roadside looks better than your neighbors'.

Anticipated species
Asclepias syriaca or A. tuberosa (milkweed)
Comptonia peregrina (sweet fern)
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (bearberry)
Ionactis linariifolia (flax-leaved stiff-aster)
Panicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (narrow leaf mountain mint)
Rudbeckia fulgida (black-eyed Susan)
Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem)

Pick-up date: On or after June 14

Member price: $126/nonmembers: $140

Coastal Plantings Collection


This collection of salt-tolerant, pollinator-loving natives will fill the bill for those with houses on the Cape and elsewhere near the shore. Combines well with the Roadside Collection for a super group of plants that thrive in harsh, sandy conditions.

Anticipated species
Morella caroliniensis (small bayberry)
Clethra alnifolia (summersweet)
Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly milkweed )
Eupatorium perfoliatum (boneset)
Panicum virgatum (switchgrass)
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae (New England aster, late bloom)
Aquilegia canadensis (columbine)
Allium cernuum (nodding onion)

Pick-up date: On or after June 15

Member price: $135/nonmembers: $150

Woodland Bloom Collection

Ageratina altissima with bee

Are you looking for plants that do well in shade or at woodland edges for color throughout the growing season? Here is a collection for you.

Anticipated species

Stylophorum diphyllum (celandine poppy - long blooming, spring to fall)
Arisaema triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit - spring bloom, fall/winter fruit)
Phlox divaricata ‘Blue Moon’ (blue phlox - fragrant, periwinkle-blue spring-blooming phlox)
Actaea racemosa (black cohosh - midsummer 6 ft. spikes of white flowers)
Actaea rubifolia (Appalachian baneberry – late summer spikes of white flowers above maple-shaped leaves)
Symphyotrichum cordifolium (blue wood aster)
Ageratina altissima (white snakeroot)
Solidago flexicaulis (zig-zag goldenrod)

Pick-up date: On or after May 21

Member price: $121.50/nonmembers: $135

Understory Collection

Lindera benzoin

Often, what’s underneath is as important as the standout. Whether a true ground cover or an important fill-in shrub, this collection is sure to add woodland interest.

Anticipated Species

Lindera benzoin (northern spicebush)
Carex pensylvanica (a sedge for dry shade)
Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas fern - evergreen)
Polygonatum biflorum or P. pubescens (smooth or hairy Solomon’s seal)
Mitella diphylla (bishop’s cap)
Solidago caesia (blue-stem goldenrod)
Jeffersonia diphylla (twinleaf - spring-blooming groundcover)
Rhus aromatica ‘Gro Lo’ (low-growing fragrant sumac)

Pick-up date: On or after June 15

Member price: $126/nonmembers: $140

Staying Ahead of Invasive Jumping Worms

What we're doing—and what you can do—to prevent their spread

Jumping worms (a.k.a. snake worms, crazy worms) are now widespread and spreading aggressively throughout the Northeast. These invasive earthworms are noticeably larger than the established earthworms and thrash violently when disturbed. Their presence is also marked by piles of grapenut-sized castings (feces). Damage caused by jumping worms includes devouring leaf litter that regenerates soil and over-aerating the soil, causing nutrients to leach out, roots to loosen, and soil to erode. What Native Plant Trust is doing to prevent the spread of jumping worms:

  • All wood chips and compost used at Garden in the Woods are produced on site.
  • We use new plastic pots for most of the plants we sell. We clean and sanitize any reused pots.
  • Nasami Farm nursery staff place all seedlings on raised benches or on landscape fabric inside the greenhouses.
  • At both locations, our potting mix comes bagged, and we do not store it on the ground.
  • We check plant deliveries from our wholesale growing partners on arrival, and staff regularly monitor the plant-sales area for signs of jumping worms. Our wholesale collaborators are taking similar measures.
  • We display plants on raised platforms when possible.
  • Throughout the season, plant-sales staff remove plants from pots to check soil and roots, and they inspect all pre-orders before customers pick up their plants.

What you can do

  • Learn to identify jumping worms (resources below) and look for signs in your yard and garden (large castings, disappearing leaf litter, and loosely rooted plants). The best time to look for adult worms is late summer through early fall. The resource links below provide more information.
  • Do a “mustard pour” to see if you have worms: Mix 1/3 cup dry mustard seed powder with 1 gallon of water and slowly pour into your soil. This agitates any worms present and forces them to the surface.
  • If you find jumping worms, place them in a sealed plastic bag in the sun for 10 minutes, then dispose of the bag in the trash.
  • Check the roots and soil of purchased plants before you plant. To be sure you are not bringing cocoons (dark, poppy-seed sized) into your garden, use a bucket of water to clean soil from plant roots and then dispose of that soil waste in a plastic bag.
  • Clean your shoes before and after walking in the woods, parks, and public gardens.

For more information

UMass Extension:

Cornell Cooperative Extension:

Entomology Research Laboratory at University of Vermont:

UConn Agricultural Experiment Station:

Photo: © Kaitlin Sullivan,

Nasami Farm rainbow

Garden Shop Hours

Garden in the Woods
Open Daily

10 a.m.–5 p.m.
180 Hemenway Road
Framingham, MA

Visitor Center
& Garden Shop

TTY 508-877-6553

Plant orders
(email preferred)


* * *

Nasami Farm
Open Saturdays &

10 a.m.-5 p.m.
and on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays & Fridays
by appointment

Plant orders
(email preferred)

Proceeds from shop sales
help support our

Smiling Af Am woman

Make Someone Happy - Send a Gift Card!

You can buy a gift card in any amount, year-round, redeemable at Garden in the Woods and Nasami Farm. To purchase, please call us on the Garden Shop’s direct line, 774-301-8465. We'll even mail it for you!

Trillium cuneatum - Uli Lorimer

Learn More about Plants

Whether you're curious about native plant garden design or the ecology of a bog, we've got classes for you!

Browse Our Classes